Last minute trip and concert

Year 6 can no longer go on a trip to the CLC on Thursday. We have the opportunity to go instead. Some have received a letter. Some will get it on Wednesday. If you are able to pop in and sign it on Wednesday that would be great but it will be fine to bring in on Thursday morning. 

A reminder that we have a strings concert to celebrate the learning that 4EC have done. All children need to make sure they bring their instrument. The concert will be at 11.30 in the KS2 hall.

Miss Conner 

Important reminders

Firstly, a reminder, school is closed tomorrow due to the EU election. 
Please find below more details about Sports Day which is taking place on Friday 24 June at the Rosendale Road playing fields.
KS2 children will head to the playing field around noon.  The whole school will have a picnic lunch on the playing fields between 12noon and 1pm.  The school will provide a packed lunch to all children in KS2 who have a school dinner.  (Children who normally have a packed lunch will need to bring their own picnic lunch!)  We hope that parents and carers are able to and join us for the picnic.
KS2 races start at 1pm and will finish around 3pm.  Parents are welcome to take their children home straight from the playing field however you must sign your child out with your class teacher.  Any children not signed out will return to school.
KS2 children can come into school on Friday wearing their PE kids, however there will be an opportunity for them to get changed.
On the 5th of July 4EC will be going to Dulwich woods.


Tate Modern here we come!

Another week and another trip for 4EC. We have been incredibly lucky to be invited to a special preview of the new Tate Modern tomorrow.

Thank you in advance to the parents of the following children are coming to support the children in the days events:

Aran, Jasper, Samuel, Grace

We will be traveling light as there will be no place to put our things when we get there. The children will be provided with lunch so all they need is a piece of fruit for a snack and a bottle of water. If they can carry this in a small bag that leaves their hands free that would be fantastic. 

Hopefully the sun will stay out and we will have lots of fun!

Miss Conner

4EC showed off their learning from yesterday as we trundled down Deptford Creek today… We had fun finding lots of artefacts and animals in the tributary of the River Thames and learnt what they told us about the environment around the river now and in the past.



We are very excited about our forthcoming trip to Deptford Creek on Friday. Thank you to all the parents that said they would help out… So many that I’ve had to do names out of a hat! 

The parents of 

Luca, Zedan, Jasper, Katla, and Lola 

Were pulled out. If any of you can’t make it please let me know ASAP so I can let someone else go.

If any are available on Thursday 16th to see the new section of the Tate before it opens to the public please let me know.

Joy of music…

We were luck enough to be invited to 4LB’s music concert and the orchestra. We could see that they had all persevered with their learning. 4EC are looking forward to showing you how they have progressed in their learning next week. You are invited to 4EC and 4TRs concert at 11.30 in the KS2 Hall on Wednesday 23rd March.